It was a few days after i had been and posted the letter. I hadn't heard anything from Belle and had decided she mustn't want anything to do with me. I had found out i was pregnant again and Sable had had her gorgeous foal Misty.
Both cats had died of old age and it had upset all of us. Luckily we had the horses and dogs to keep us occupied.
Bethany is now ready to start school. She was turning into a gorgeous little girl but she was such a diva and always demanded her own way. She was definately a daddy's girl. Kenji would always read her to sleep on a night. I often stood and watched them together and could feel the ache in my heart thinking about how i never got the chance to have these special moments with Belle.
I was out in the yard sorting the horses when she walked over to me.
Belle: Excuse me, are you Angel?
I burst in to tears there she was infront of me my beautiful girl.
Angel: Yes i am so glad you came to see me.
Belle: Look i need to go to school but meet me at around 4PM at Mike's Kareoke Bar.
I walked in and there she was with a friend singing on the kareoke. It turned out she was more like me than i could ever of imagined. We had a long talk and i found out her adopted parents had both passed away and she was living with her adoptive brother. She dreamed of being a singer just like i had been. She had known all about me and had followed my career when i was back in Bridgeport. I knew she needed to meet her sister and Kenji.
She hugged me goodbye. I had told her to come over the next day. I wanted to ask her to move in with us but wasn't sure if it would be too soon.
Belle came round that next day. Her and Bethany hit it off straight away and she was super excited to be having a new sister or brother. I also learned she was amazing with horses and she had grown up surrounded by them and had learned to ride aswell. She agreed to move in to our house. she would have to share a room with Bethany but she didn't mind.
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