Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Goss Story Gen 1 Chapter 2

Our two dogs arrived later that day. A chocolate coloured retriever called Max and a golden retriever called Annie. I had always had dogs growing up and was devastated that i had needed to leave my dog with my ex in Bridgeport.
A Unicorn appeared on my home lot that night. I was soo thrilled. I had never seen one before and when i did it appeared right here at my home.
Sable had now grown into a beautiful Mare. I decided to take her to the equestrian center and breed her. I wanted to breed all my animals but there simply was no room.
Bethany had now aged up into a beautiful toddler. I was ready to start looking for Belle. I was terrified she wouldn't want to know but that was a risk i was willing to take.

It was around 2AM when i heard my phone ringing. I got out of bed and answered it, it was Gracie.
Angel: Hey Gracie has something happened why are you calling at 2Am?
Gracie: Angel I've found her
Angel: Found who Gracie?
Gracie: I will explain tomorrow come round in the morning.
I went back to bed, i couldn't get back to sleep. Who had Gracie found? She couldn't mean Belle? we had only been looking a day? We were trying to contact an old friend from boarding school. Perhaps that was it.

I rang a taxi first thing and set of on the way to Gracie's. Her words and my thoughts still whirring round in my head.
Gracie: Angel i think i've found Belle, Well i mean Toby has.
Angel: Toby's found her? I said Puzzled
Gracie: Yer he's been doing some supply work at the community school. There's a girl named Bella Goss. He came home and asked me if you were related to anyone named Bella. She's here in Appaloosa plains Angel.
I was speechless i didn't know what to say. I had dreamed of finding my daughter for years and now i knew where she was i didn't no if i had done the right thing.

I decided to ring a taxi home even though Gracie had offered me a lift. I couldn't help myself i had to get them to drive past the address Gracie had given me. There she was my beautiful daughter strolling down the path. She had my hair but from what i could see she had her fathers looks and his dark skin. I told Kenji all about it when i got home. He always knew what to do for the best. He suggested i post a letter to her asking her to get in touch.
So that night i went and put the letter in her letter box. Now all i had to do was hope and pray.

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