Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Goss Story Gen 1 Chapter 3

It was a few days after i had been and posted the letter. I hadn't heard anything from Belle and had decided she mustn't want anything to do with me. I had found out i was pregnant again and Sable had had her gorgeous foal Misty.
Both cats had died of old age and it had upset all of us. Luckily we had the horses and dogs to keep us occupied.
Bethany is now ready to start school. She was turning into a gorgeous little girl but she was such a diva and always demanded her own way. She was definately a daddy's girl. Kenji would always read her to sleep on a night. I often stood and watched them together and could feel the ache in my heart thinking about how i never got the chance to have these special moments with Belle.
I was out in the yard sorting the horses when she walked over to me.
Belle: Excuse me, are you Angel?
I burst in to tears there she was infront of me my beautiful girl.
Angel: Yes i am so glad you came to see me.
Belle: Look i need to go to school but meet me at around 4PM at Mike's Kareoke Bar.
I walked in and there she was with a friend singing on the kareoke. It turned out she was more like me than i could ever of imagined. We had a long talk and i found out her adopted parents had both passed away and she was living with her adoptive brother. She dreamed of being a singer just like i had been. She had known all about me and had followed my career when i was back in Bridgeport. I knew she needed to meet her sister and Kenji.
She hugged me goodbye. I had told her to come over the next day. I wanted to ask her to move in with us but wasn't sure if it would be too soon.

Belle came round that next day. Her and Bethany hit it off straight away and she was super excited to be having a new sister or brother. I also learned she was amazing with horses and she had grown up surrounded by them and had learned to ride aswell. She agreed to move in to our house. she would have to share a room with Bethany but she didn't mind.

The Goss Story Gen 1 Chapter 2

Our two dogs arrived later that day. A chocolate coloured retriever called Max and a golden retriever called Annie. I had always had dogs growing up and was devastated that i had needed to leave my dog with my ex in Bridgeport.
A Unicorn appeared on my home lot that night. I was soo thrilled. I had never seen one before and when i did it appeared right here at my home.
Sable had now grown into a beautiful Mare. I decided to take her to the equestrian center and breed her. I wanted to breed all my animals but there simply was no room.
Bethany had now aged up into a beautiful toddler. I was ready to start looking for Belle. I was terrified she wouldn't want to know but that was a risk i was willing to take.

It was around 2AM when i heard my phone ringing. I got out of bed and answered it, it was Gracie.
Angel: Hey Gracie has something happened why are you calling at 2Am?
Gracie: Angel I've found her
Angel: Found who Gracie?
Gracie: I will explain tomorrow come round in the morning.
I went back to bed, i couldn't get back to sleep. Who had Gracie found? She couldn't mean Belle? we had only been looking a day? We were trying to contact an old friend from boarding school. Perhaps that was it.

I rang a taxi first thing and set of on the way to Gracie's. Her words and my thoughts still whirring round in my head.
Gracie: Angel i think i've found Belle, Well i mean Toby has.
Angel: Toby's found her? I said Puzzled
Gracie: Yer he's been doing some supply work at the community school. There's a girl named Bella Goss. He came home and asked me if you were related to anyone named Bella. She's here in Appaloosa plains Angel.
I was speechless i didn't know what to say. I had dreamed of finding my daughter for years and now i knew where she was i didn't no if i had done the right thing.

I decided to ring a taxi home even though Gracie had offered me a lift. I couldn't help myself i had to get them to drive past the address Gracie had given me. There she was my beautiful daughter strolling down the path. She had my hair but from what i could see she had her fathers looks and his dark skin. I told Kenji all about it when i got home. He always knew what to do for the best. He suggested i post a letter to her asking her to get in touch.
So that night i went and put the letter in her letter box. Now all i had to do was hope and pray.

Monday, 12 March 2012

The Goss Story Gen 1 Chapter 1

Angel Goss had just moved into Appaloosa Plains From Bridgeport. She wanted to get away from the limelight and celebrity lifestyle to start a new peaceful life in the country after a bad break up with her Ex Fiance.
Even though she was the most amazing singer she decided she wanted to get a career in business. She was finished with singing, she knew if she started to sing here in Appaloosa plains the paparazi would soon find out where she was and all she wants now is a quiet family life.
She managed to grab a bargain with this one bedroomed bungalow. She had sooo much land she could spend her free time roaming around.
One of Angel's main reasons for coming to Appaloosa Plains was her relationship with Kenji Midden. She had met Kenji online not long after her break up. He was amazing he understood her need to be away from Bridgeport as he too had been brought up there with his superstar parents. Kenji moved here after there death 3 years ago.
Kenji came over the night Angel moved into the town. They spent all night talking and kissing on the sofa. One thing led to another and they ended up woohooing and Kenji stayed the night.
The next moring Angel left for work before Kenji had woke. On her way home she stopped by the shelter and adopted Kia a beautiful ginger and white female cat.
Angel had been feeling strange for a few days. She remebered the strange feeling. She knew she was pregnant. She had been here before 13 years ago at just 15. She gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl but her parents forced her to have the baby adopted.
It wasn't long before Angel's bump appeared. Kenji was amazing. He was very traditional and decided he would move in with Angee and that they would get married. He agreed to take on Angel's surname. She  had told him all about her other child and he was very supportive. Angel was loving being pregnant but she couldn't help thinking about her other child. She would be a teen now. Angel wondered if she even knew about her.
Angel was seven month pregnant when her a Kenji married. She had discovered she was having a little girl. They got married at home infront of a few close friends.
My best friend Gracie was at my wedding. Gracie was from Appaloosa Plains but had gone to boarding school in sunset valley with Angel. Pictured on Gracies knee is Chico a male cat that Angel adopted.

As a wedding present Kenji had bought Angel a foal named Sable. Angel loved animals and he knew this would be her perfect present.
Angel went into labour on her wedding night. She was early but luckily mother and baby are both healthy.
Meet baby Bethany. Angel wanted to name her baby with a name beginning with B as she had named her first child Belle all them years ago. The birth of Bethany bought back lots of memories for Angel and she had decided that once she was settled into motherhood she would enlist Gracie's help in tracking down Belle. Little did she know she was closer than she thought.

Saturday, 10 March 2012


WOOO I managed to resolve my game issues :) i have now managed to have a quick play on showtime and i have created my main character :) I am just installing my other Eps then will get the first chapter uploaded right away :D

Hi Guys ;)

Hey everyone.
Welcome to my sim stories blog! I am hoping to start a new family for my story sometime today! I am having a few issues at the moment though with the new showtime patches etc. still havnt even managed to install it yet after getting it last night.

Any ideas for names/storyline etc would be great :)

Thanks for taking the time to read. Leave a link to your sim stories to as i love reading them :D x